Diagnosis and Organizational Intervention
The organizational intervention is a wide process aiming at improving performance and increasing profitability in a business, starting from the information collected from inside the company, in a structured way. Such data refer to the people's potential, knowledge, capabilities, values, and work environment in an organization.
The organizational intervention approaches an exhaustive list of issues but in the end, they will improve how companies assimilate and implement change initiatives.
There are three main types of interventions we recommend:
Group level
Organization level
Our specialists will identify the type of intervention necessary depending on the issue signaled. They will perform a mapping of the capacities and talent within the organization, will establish the diagnosis of the organizational climate, will design a development plan of employees – all aligned with the company’s business goals.
The steps of the organizational intervention process
1. Diagnosis and identification of the factors that need change
The need for an organizational intervention starts with certain indicators showing a performance below the optimal level and management decides an improvement is needed. During this step, a Talent Reserve expert intervenes to analyze the issue and collect information, to develop a strategy meant to bring the necessary upgrade.
2. Designing a coherent intervention process
Our team drafts an action plan that addresses the identified issues, a plan including both sets of certain specific objectives to be reached on the way, as well as appointing the members of the project team, that will take certain roles and tasks, without affecting the usual activity in the organization – as much as possible.
3. Implementing improvement and impact evaluation
Once the intervention process actions are finished, the organization evaluates the process results by performance and profitability indicators, by reporting these values to the initial action plan. After the intervention is finished, the organization establishes if changes that occurred during their intervention will be a permanent part of the organization’s policy.
For the process to be successful, with beneficial results on the company’s development, the organizational intervention needs:
tight cooperation, based on trust, between the organization’s management, consultants, and employees
coherent and transparent communication with the employees
establishing long-term objectives
time allotted to employees’ evaluation, active listening of their preoccupation, and generating decisions based on collected information
a positive and open attitude towards change

Employees Onboarding Advising
On signing a new employment agreement, each of the parties starts their journey with expectancies toward specific results. The new employee wants to enjoy a pleasant work environment, the satisfaction of his work’s success, and the financial benefits he might have. On the other hand, the employer wants the new team member to perform at his / her best and to contribute to the company’s development.
As they appear to be simple, such goals may be complied with only if the new employee enters an adequate onboarding process. In the absence of such a process, the new team member takes over his role in the organization on the way, by acquiring things based on his intuition than being explained to him. And during the mix of new information expected from entering a new company, errors occur in complying with the tasks, and the employee is feeling overwhelmed, with no motivation, and confused.
This way, the path to fulfilling the initially established expectations is interrupted shortly, with side effects translated into a financial loss for the company.
The experience we have gathered showed to us that it is very important that the new employee benefits from orientation and onboarding support ever since the first moment spent in the company. Onboarding is the last step of recruiting and the first step towards retention and its objective is to help the new employee align with the organizational culture, assimilate information, and facilitate the transition from the role of the candidate towards the role of a team member.
Here, companies may face certain challenges and our team of consultants may support them by identifying the best solutions adapted to their needs.
The onboarding process goals that need to be reached during the first year are:
Making sure the new employee is welcomed in the company
Reconfirming he/ she made a good choice and fits the organization
Establishing the feeling of belonging – involving respect and fair treatment
Building the base for a long-term collaboration relationship
Therefore, during an onboarding process, all employees’ needs are targeted, from the ones related to managing new information they need to assimilate, up to training and developing positive relationships with the team members.
78.4% of the employees say the feeling of inclusion in the company is very important (according to a study performed by Deloitte in 2020). But we know that in the context of changes dictated by the technological evolution or different social-economic and sanitary factors (i.e., the context generated by Covid19), the feeling of affiliation is strongly affected.
That is why we come and support organizations with certain programs that set up a culture of team safety, where the objectives are communicated and understood, where employees understand the significance of their work, and leaders can make decisions and objectively evaluate the situations.
We encourage managers to create a balance between ensuring belonging along with constructive stress to stimulate people's involvement. From a certain point, too much comfort from a friendly manager may negatively affect performance.
A correct onboarding strategy of the new employees brings benefits to the company, such as:
Dropping the recruiting costs: the cost of losing an employee during the first year is estimated to be 3 times higher than his salary
Increasing retention: new employees that passed a structured integration process have up to 58% more chances to remain in the company after 3 years
Dropping the administrative cost of the employees’ onboarding process
Facilitating access to relevant information, as employees are overwhelmed by the high volume of information when entering a new company
Reaching a higher level of performance sooner
A higher level of responsibility of the employees due to the clarity of their role and objectives

HR Strategic Planning and Development
When the company you manage develops quickly or when the industry you work in is extremely dynamic, the situation may overwhelm everyone in the organization, especially the ones responsible for managing human resources. Without a solid plan, you will also have the feeling you won’t manage to face the changes dictated by the market and technology evolution.
Strategic planning and development is a dynamic and flexible process through which we identify the quantity and quality of the current competencies in an organization, relative to the business needs and objectives and envision the future ones, and supporting the acquisition and development of the talent necessary in the long term.
HR Daily specialists answer the 4 main questions in the strategic planning of human resources:
Where are you now
Where do you want to go
Where is the market heading
How can you get there
Therefore, the strategic planning of the human resources in an organization facilitates:
Ensuring the right human resource to contribute to the organization’s strategic goals – assigning the right employees, with the right capacities, at the right moment
Adapting to social, economic, legal, and technological tendencies from the industry you operate in and that have an impact on the labor force
Flexibility for approaching possible unpredicted changes of the social-economic context
The mechanism created by strategic planning ensures the labor force necessary to fulfill a certain task and establishes the capacity map that an employee has to have for a certain position in the organization.
The existing strategic planning and people development are essential for keeping or acquiring a competitive advantage of the company in its reference market. On this note, the adoption of re-skilling processes, a solid and coherent architecture of the employees’ development and motivation system, as well as supporting a balanced climate within the organization is essential for ensuring and maintaining this competitive advantage.